Monday, May 31, 2010

Why is it that whn im at my happiest some person bring they ass along and ruin it. my 1st response is always a agressive 1 dnt fuck with me.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

That all to familiar feeling of jealousy and anger washes over me. When will i learn? i doubt i ever will

Sunday, March 14, 2010

no dreams

So close
yet so far away
what I you now
I want for you to stay

Why do I feel
so conflicted inside
Why do I look at you
And always feel the butterflies

underneath the feelings
I know the truth
its something we must face
and you know it too

we are from two worlds
yet our hearts beat as one
we are on different planets
yet we set under the same sun

we are worlds apart
that is the way it seems
we can never be one
its better if we don't dream

Saturday, March 6, 2010

The Huntress

Those eyes. I have seen them before. They watch me. following my every move. Begging me to come close. Wanted to come close to mine, but they dare not try. they peer at me from a safe distance. Never stepping close to mind. How do  draw them out? how do I get close to them and see what they hide? Their hazel hue pierce my heart, and speak to my soul. I Long to know they owner of those eyes. For they  catch my interest. What bait should I use to draw my prey closer? who trap shall I use? The possibilities are endless, but the outcome is the same.

maybe I shall creep close to those eyes and pounce like a lion in Africa. Creeping closer to my prey who will be unaware of my presence until It is too late and shes in my grasps. yes it shall bask in my glory and my eyes will be the ones that will pierce her heart Yes I can see it now. playing with my prey, toying with her before I tear it to shreds with my claws and teeth. the pain melting into pleasure would make for a blissful evening, as well as a memorable event. Yes this option is one of my favorites

Or maybe I should try A more subtle technique. Yes.......a more seductive technique. I will set up a trap and let the object that has caught my fancy come to me like a bee to honey. Yes.... I shall snare my prey like the skilled hunter I am. making each moment in my trap more tender and lasting than the last. I shall make her crave to be in my trap. I shall make her praise me as the skilled hunter I am. and she will be my trophy.

Those eyes. Oh how I am drawn to them. I must get a closer look. I must seem the owner of those piercing eyes up close. I must see what it is about them that has me snared. I want those eyes to be close to mine. the way they shimmer. The way they gleam. They are like pearls in this sea. I am surrounded by people, yet those beautiful eyes are all I see. I feel I am trapped by them. It seems the hunter.......has become the prey. This huntress knows what she is doing, and she is very skilled at what she does. this can not be. I am not hunter, not they prey. I am the one in control here. I must show her she has met her match. I must make my move, for I am the Lion, the king. I have to admit she is a skilled tigress in her own right. She has devoured many prey of her own, put I shall not be one. She will marvel at my feet, and bow down to the best hunter. But..... those eyes, they ensnare and amaze me. They lure me close. they are hard to fight and I cant. They make me weak in the knees. They beauty is crippling. Seem I have lost this match, and I will gladly play the part of the prey, as long as those eyes are close to mind

Saturday, February 6, 2010

The Strange The weird, and The GaGa


               Many people in my family wonder why I am the way I am. Why I like they music I like. Why I act they way I act. I tell them "I'm  unique and just different". and they only thing they respond with is that "Your weird" or "Your Strange".I have to say I get that reaction a lot. and its hard sometimes. How do you be yourself when you constantly have people telling you its wrong. Its strange. its weird and pressure you to conform and be like everyone else. Its like people never heard of  self expression!
            Ok, there's something you need to know about me. I am the type of person that likes individuality. I like people who aren't afraid to be themselves. People who aren't scared of what society thinks of them are my heroes and I adore them. Needless to say theres one name that comes to mind....


             Better known as Lady GaGa, She is really an inspiration for me. people constantly judge her. saying she only does it for attention. Some confuse they way she dress with what kind of personality she has. but she doesn't let that stop her. She does what she wants and express herself the best way she sees fit. and You have both respect and admire that. She is fearless. she is amazing and She is....




Thursday, January 28, 2010


Ok. one of my bestest best best friends just contacted me and told me shes graduating form BMT(basic military training) and I am too excited. Because Its been TWO long long long LONG months since I've
talked to her, and even longer since I last seen her! I'm so excited to finally hear from her because this last two months have been real rocky with out her there to brighten my day.!  I have so much to tell her. So much to ask her. SO MUCH TO DO. I got to go and get some new clothes if I'm going to look good wen she come back! Because I be damned if she comes back and I don't bring my A game to the table. I know she been working out with all those buff military men and women. I hope she don't come back with a mustache and muscles bigger than mine!!! Because we all know, the military is the only place were steroids are perfectly legal( and recomended)


Ok,  I don't wanna freak out or anything but it HAS been TWO months! Who knows what the military has done to my baby! 

They could have turned her from this..........


INTO THIS..........

Lord help us all if they did!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but Seriously I cant wait to see her!!!! omfg!!!!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

I am simply me, the mask comes off

Perfection does(not) exist

I have came to the most amazing conclusion!!! I can only be me. I cant be anyone else but me. You would think that being yourself would be easy right? yeah it seems simple enough but most people don't do it. They put on their little masks and step into the world. People would rather put on fake faces rather than reveal themselves with all their flaws. We are too scared of how people will react if they know whats behind the mask. yes scared. I will say it one more time. We are scared. It's ok.We are all guilty of it.Society tell us to hide our flaws and our weakness so that we may fit int its image of a perfect world were everyone is perfect. Well the fact is that perfection does not exist. Society has us all fooled that one size should fit all. In this perfect world, everyone is in some way shape or form from a cookie cutter. We put these labels on ourselves. We categorize ourselves as if we are papers that need filing.  That being said we all need to remember that........


Well now that the pink elephant is out of the room, let me continue. I can only be me. what you see is what you get my mask is coming off, and it feels great. I suggest you all take off your masks its a breath-taking experience! To get the gist of what I'm saying hold your breath for 30 seconds then exhale. That's exactly how you will feel. so just reveal the real you don't be scared at how people react. just throw all your fears into the wind and just be you! take the mask off.