Thursday, January 28, 2010


Ok. one of my bestest best best friends just contacted me and told me shes graduating form BMT(basic military training) and I am too excited. Because Its been TWO long long long LONG months since I've
talked to her, and even longer since I last seen her! I'm so excited to finally hear from her because this last two months have been real rocky with out her there to brighten my day.!  I have so much to tell her. So much to ask her. SO MUCH TO DO. I got to go and get some new clothes if I'm going to look good wen she come back! Because I be damned if she comes back and I don't bring my A game to the table. I know she been working out with all those buff military men and women. I hope she don't come back with a mustache and muscles bigger than mine!!! Because we all know, the military is the only place were steroids are perfectly legal( and recomended)


Ok,  I don't wanna freak out or anything but it HAS been TWO months! Who knows what the military has done to my baby! 

They could have turned her from this..........


INTO THIS..........

Lord help us all if they did!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but Seriously I cant wait to see her!!!! omfg!!!!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

I am simply me, the mask comes off

Perfection does(not) exist

I have came to the most amazing conclusion!!! I can only be me. I cant be anyone else but me. You would think that being yourself would be easy right? yeah it seems simple enough but most people don't do it. They put on their little masks and step into the world. People would rather put on fake faces rather than reveal themselves with all their flaws. We are too scared of how people will react if they know whats behind the mask. yes scared. I will say it one more time. We are scared. It's ok.We are all guilty of it.Society tell us to hide our flaws and our weakness so that we may fit int its image of a perfect world were everyone is perfect. Well the fact is that perfection does not exist. Society has us all fooled that one size should fit all. In this perfect world, everyone is in some way shape or form from a cookie cutter. We put these labels on ourselves. We categorize ourselves as if we are papers that need filing.  That being said we all need to remember that........


Well now that the pink elephant is out of the room, let me continue. I can only be me. what you see is what you get my mask is coming off, and it feels great. I suggest you all take off your masks its a breath-taking experience! To get the gist of what I'm saying hold your breath for 30 seconds then exhale. That's exactly how you will feel. so just reveal the real you don't be scared at how people react. just throw all your fears into the wind and just be you! take the mask off.